
Showing posts from August, 2021

Manziel Law Offices Talks About Important of Healthcare Laws

  Where there is no law, there is no sin. That is why the federal, state and local authorities have co m e up with different medical ethics and laws. The reason is simple- to protect the right of the patient, to ensure they have access to adequate medical care and also to see to it that the medical professionals are well-compensated. In the absence of law, different malpractices and unethical behavior will prevail. Life will be lost and culprits will go unpunished. To avoid this, laws are designed to avoid harm and protect the rights of everyone. Hence, whether you are a doctor or patients, you don’t have to be a lawyer to understand the laws guiding medical practices. Lisa Manziel, leader and founder of  Manziel Law Offices , an organization helping many to navigate the ever-evolving healthcare laws and regulations bring to you important healthcare laws everyone must know. HIPAA The federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) was initially enac...

Manziel Law Offices Talk About Healthcare Laws and Regulations in the USA

  The United States of America is one of the best countries, in terms of laws and regulation and healthcare. The United States health agencies advance laws envisioned to protect public well-being. The department of health and human service keeps an eye on health issues that worry all American citizens. Healthcare Quality Improvement Act of 1986 In 1986 HCQIA was passed by Congress to extend immunity to good faith peer review of physicians and dentists and to create the national practitioner data bank. The statue is located in 42 United States code section 11101 et seq. Medicare Years ago President Harry Truman had a vision of ensuring every elderly person for the health care facilities. Manziel law offices provide you with everything you want to know about the programs and rules and regulations regarding the healthcare programs. Every elderly person age 65 or above is insured for his or her health and all the medical expenses. Not only elderly persons but all the Railroad workers a...

Manziel Law Offices Talks About Benefits of Healthcare Laws

  Healthcare laws include the laws, rules and regulations binding on all healthcare workers, government, companies and the entire population. This is across all levels including the regulatory, operation and transactional and the aim is to ensure commitment to health goals. These laws are like a road map to providing standard daily operation and reaching the desired outcome.  Healthcare laws were developed as millions of Americans started embracing health insurance whether through employers, individual purchases or public subsidies. Hence, health laws reforms have been added to the existing state laws to safeguard the interest of providers, payers, companies amd everyone involved in the health industry. The health laws have been in consumers favour with plenteous benefits to enjoy. Here, Lisa Manziel, the founder of  Manziel Law Offices , company offering law services to healthcare companies and clients explores the benefits of healthcare laws. Keep reading.  Protect...